Weekly Objectives and Homework

(Student)  often predicts, makes connections, clarifies, questions, and summarizes important events. According to Sheila Valencia’s research in Behind Test Scores: What Struggling Readers Really Need, (Student) fits under the category of a word stumbler. He frequently stops to reread or self correct and sometimes uses more than one strategy to attempt to make meaning. However, after self-correcting and clarifying, he rereads phrases with good expression and flow to fit the meaning. His retells were detailed and included inferences and connections.
· Monitoring while reading (predictions, questions – in KWL, clarifying, summarizing)· Using meaning, structure, and visuals (MSV) to clarify and self correct· Self monitoring and using meaning, structure, and visual clues· self monitoring and using meaning, structure, and visual clues· Chunking and SyllabificationFluency (Prosody )
(Student)  often predicts, makes connections, clarifies, questions, and summarizes important events. According to Sheila Valencia’s research in Behind Test Scores: What Struggling Readers Really Need, (Student) fits under the category of a word stumbler. He frequently stops to reread or self correct and sometimes uses more than one strategy to attempt to make meaning. However, after self-correcting and clarifying, he rereads phrases with good expression and flow to fit the meaning. His retells were detailed and included inferences and connections.